Non-Profit: Design For a Cause

As a design leader, I improve user engagement across websites, apps, and games by transforming complex elements into clear, organized concepts. My expertise spans visual design, experience design strategies, and user research.

I’ve delivered solutions for Fortune 100 and 500 companies, as well as non-profits, startups, and small businesses. Collaborating with smaller organizations enriches my approach and ensures impactful user interactions.

Austin Citywide MLK Celebration

My approach to creating the concept and graphics for Austin’s annual MLK celebration is driven by a deep desire to communicate my experiences and reflections of life in Austin, Texas. Growing up in Austin during the nineties, I witnessed the city’s transformation, which represents diverse experiences for my family and me, even today.

These firsthand experiences, combined with my ability to convey them visually, allow me to create imagery that reflects where I feel Austin and the United States stand in relation to MLK’s legacy. Each year, I deepen my understanding of his leadership, words, and life through his photos, books, and speeches. He speaks beyond recorded conversations, conveying a vision that blends hope with reality and communicates the change he expected to see in the world.

I challenge myself to adopt a similar approach, using my graphics as a vehicle to share the community’s hope while acknowledging the realities we face. My aim is to continue this tradition, providing perspectives for our communities, my children, and future generations on our ongoing quest for freedom and equality for all.